"Fashionista Daddy" premiered during last year's Super Bowl. Interestingly, this commercial was consumer-created through Doritos' contest "Crash the Super Bowl" campaign. Since Crash the Super Bowl launched in 2007, contestants have submitted over 20,000 potential commercials to be aired in the Super Bowl. Out of the 3,500 videos submitted last year, five finalists received $25,000 and a trip to attend the Super Bowl. Bonus cash prizes were awarded based on how the commercials ranked in the USA Today ad Meter. Contestants would also receive these cash prizes depending on their score:
- $1 million awarded for an ad that scores the No. 1 spot on the USA TODAY Ad Meter
- $600,000 awarded for an ad that scores the No. 2 spot on the USA TODAY Ad meter
- $400,000 awarded for an ad that scores the No. 3 spot on the USA TODAY Ad meter
"Fashionista Daddy" was created by Mark Freiburger, a 29-year old from Los Angeles. As the highest ranking Doritos consumer-created commercial with a No. 4 ranking on the USA Today ad Meter (too bad!), Freiburger scored the opportunity to work on the next Transformers installment coming in 2014. I think the opportunity for consumers to create a Super Bowl ad for Doritos is a really amazing opportunity. I have seen many of the previous competition winners and I am always impressed by the commercials!
Humor: 5
When I first saw this ad, I thought it was so cute and realistic! I am sure there are many little girls out there who don't know what the beginning of February means to many dads and males in general. To little girls, every day is the perfect day to be a princess. After serious consideration, I think I would play princesses also to get some Doritos. I think this commercial is very funny and has something to offer for all age groups. With humor suitable for ages, I do not think this commercial will be easy forgotten.
Effectiveness: 5
Doritos has really hit it big with its Crash the Super Bowl campaign. Since 2007, the consumer-created ads have consistently ranked in the top-five spots on the USA Today Ad Meter. Also, three of the last five years winners have scored the No. 1 ranked ad. Crazy right? Next year's Doritos campaign will expand outside of the U.S. to include videos created from any of the 46 countries the chips are sold. Speaking about Mark Freiburger, last year's ad winner, Ram Krishnan, vice president of Marketing, Frito-Lay North America said, "The Doritos brand has always been about offering the biggest, boldest opportunities imaginable. And it doesn’t get much bolder than turning over the world’s biggest advertising stage to our fans, We are so excited to award Mark [Freiburger] the chance to work with one of the most acclaimed directors of our time. It’s an exciting finish for one of the most exciting engagement programs the Doritos brand has created to date." From last year's campaign, Doritos scored 100 million views for the five finalist videos. By moving its campaign to Facebook, Krishnan had this to say, "Almost every single metric of the program exceeded that we achieved during the last six years." Krishnan said Facebook helped the videos go viral. "That's the whole reason why we switched," "People like to talk about the videos, and that reaches their circle of friends." Just from a social media standpoint, Doritos campaign is excellent in reaching its target audience. Even better, Doritos is seeing its campaign turn into sales. According to researcher SymphonyIRI, Doritos sales rose 5.8 percent in units in 2012.
Emotion: 2
I do not believe this ad is meant to instill much emotion or purpose. This commercial's success comes from its humor. However, that little girl does play on our heartstrings and is just too adorable. Nonetheless, the commercial is not meant to promote any real social cause except that sometimes it is just a lot more fun to hang out with one's family playing princesses and eating Doritos than watching a game. But overall, the emotion in this ad is minimal.
Customer Reviews: 5
Let's be honest, if you love chips, there is a flavor of Doritos you could shamelessly eat an entire bag of. With a successful brand, these consumer-created ads have also been a major hit to the American public. I believe that Doritos has such great ads because it has a great product and great fans that are excited to promote it as well. Now, the rewards for winning the campaign are great too, but it is a lot easier to sell a product to someone when it is a quality product to begin with.
If you are looking to become rich and famous, you could play the lottery, start a singing career on YouTube, or you could create a commercial for Doritos and potentially win a million dollars and a chance to work on the next big blockbuster movie. Yeah, I would create a commercial too.
Effectiveness: 5
Doritos has really hit it big with its Crash the Super Bowl campaign. Since 2007, the consumer-created ads have consistently ranked in the top-five spots on the USA Today Ad Meter. Also, three of the last five years winners have scored the No. 1 ranked ad. Crazy right? Next year's Doritos campaign will expand outside of the U.S. to include videos created from any of the 46 countries the chips are sold. Speaking about Mark Freiburger, last year's ad winner, Ram Krishnan, vice president of Marketing, Frito-Lay North America said, "The Doritos brand has always been about offering the biggest, boldest opportunities imaginable. And it doesn’t get much bolder than turning over the world’s biggest advertising stage to our fans, We are so excited to award Mark [Freiburger] the chance to work with one of the most acclaimed directors of our time. It’s an exciting finish for one of the most exciting engagement programs the Doritos brand has created to date." From last year's campaign, Doritos scored 100 million views for the five finalist videos. By moving its campaign to Facebook, Krishnan had this to say, "Almost every single metric of the program exceeded that we achieved during the last six years." Krishnan said Facebook helped the videos go viral. "That's the whole reason why we switched," "People like to talk about the videos, and that reaches their circle of friends." Just from a social media standpoint, Doritos campaign is excellent in reaching its target audience. Even better, Doritos is seeing its campaign turn into sales. According to researcher SymphonyIRI, Doritos sales rose 5.8 percent in units in 2012.
Emotion: 2
I do not believe this ad is meant to instill much emotion or purpose. This commercial's success comes from its humor. However, that little girl does play on our heartstrings and is just too adorable. Nonetheless, the commercial is not meant to promote any real social cause except that sometimes it is just a lot more fun to hang out with one's family playing princesses and eating Doritos than watching a game. But overall, the emotion in this ad is minimal.
Customer Reviews: 5
Let's be honest, if you love chips, there is a flavor of Doritos you could shamelessly eat an entire bag of. With a successful brand, these consumer-created ads have also been a major hit to the American public. I believe that Doritos has such great ads because it has a great product and great fans that are excited to promote it as well. Now, the rewards for winning the campaign are great too, but it is a lot easier to sell a product to someone when it is a quality product to begin with.
If you are looking to become rich and famous, you could play the lottery, start a singing career on YouTube, or you could create a commercial for Doritos and potentially win a million dollars and a chance to work on the next big blockbuster movie. Yeah, I would create a commercial too.
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