Friday, November 8, 2013

Ram Trucks- So God Made A Farmer

Chrysler aired this ad during the fourth quarter of last year's Super Bowl. With good reception, the ad finished third in USA Today's likability Ad Meter, behind the Anheuser-Busch Clydesdale commercial and the Tide "Miracle Stain" ad.  The video was inspired by the moving "So God Made a Farmer" tribute delivered by legendary radio broadcaster Paul Harvey at the 1978 National FFA Convention. The ad shows images of today's farm families hard at work as the late Paul Harvey gives his powerful speech. This commercial creates a story that moves farmers and non-farmers alike. According to Farm Futures, a marketing tool, "this video launched the Ram Truck brand's 2013 'The Year of the Farmer' campaign aimed at bringing national attention to the significance of the American farmer." As someone who has had zero experience with the farming culture of America, I was totally moved by this commercial. I felt the pride and passion that our country was based on. I am not the only person touched by this ad.  “So God Made a Farmer” has been viewed over 20 million times. 

Humor: 1
Humor was not the way Chrysler wanted to reach people. The use of powerful voice and imagery in this commercial are the ingredients that have left a lasting mark in people's minds. The "So God Made a Farmer" ad can be related to by all ages.

Effectiveness: 5
This ad has been a huge success. However, instead of only increasing truck sales, RAM Truck pledged to donate $100,000 to the FFA through December 31 or until $1 million (10 million views) was reached, whichever came first.  However, less than a week after the Super Bowl, the ad had passed 10 million views! Oliver Francois, chief marketing officer for Chrysler Group said, "We set out to create a call-to-action to support farmers and to recognize their place as the foundation of the American character and are gratified with the dialog the video sparked." I believe RAM reached its target audience in a big way. Even though the ad did not put its full focus on the product, Chrysler's Ram Truck brand had its best February sales in six years, exceeding last year by 3 percent. 

Emotion: 5
In my opinion, this ad has been one of the most evoking and inspirational I have seen. After the premiere of the commercial, more than 250 farm, ranch, and agribusiness organizations signed on to a letter addressed to Chrysler Group's CEO Sergio Marchionne thanking him for the ad's "vital message" reminding people that "farmers and ranchers...must not be taken for granted." The letter also stated "Over time we've wrestled with how best to remind America that farming and ranching isn't a 9-to-5 job, and although touch, it's our life's work and a life we eagerly and proudly embrace...We wanted you to know your commercial is very much appreciated." This ad not only inspired emotion, but purpose. It brought national attention to the importance of the American farmer. The donations would help the National FFA Organization and Case IH to generate funds for FFA hunger relief efforts in local communities. National FFA Organization CEO Dr. Dwight Armstrong stated "Ram scored a major win for American agriculture and our producers and ranchers with its 'Farmer' Super Bowl commercial and has sharply elevated the image of agriculture in the public's mind...This highly successful partnership with Ram through the National FFA Foundation has generated $1 million of new support for FFA that will be utilized to drive our 'Feeding the World-Starting at Home' initiative and other programs that will benefit our nearly 560,000 FFA members." The images from the commercial will also appear in a book and part of the proceeds of book sales will also go to agriculture and hunger related efforts around the country. Chrysler's commercial has left such a positive impact on our country and proudly promotes an American tradition. 

Customer Reviews: 4
This ad brought a lot of positive feedback; however, some of it was negative. Some people believed the ad did not accurately portray modern day farm life. David Goodner, an organizer for Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement, wasn't pleased that the ad ended with a Dodge Ram truck sitting in front of a hog confinement facility. Overall, the ad created positive awareness of American agriculture and did not deceive the customer about RAM trucks. Overall, reviews for Dodge RAM trucks were fairly high with a score of 8.8 on U.S. News Best Cars. 

"And on the eighth day, God looked down on his planned paradise and said, 'I need a caretaker.' So God made a farmer," ~Paul Harvey 


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